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UV Tanning Tips

Eye Protection

Ultraviolet tanning rays (UVA and UVB) are harmful to your eyes. Eyelids are too thin to provide adequate protection against injury. Eye goggles are required and are available for purchase.

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​Allow a minimum of 24 hours between tanning sessions. Tanning professionals recommend waiting 48 to 72 hours, the span of time necessary for your skin to recover from UV exposure, and to create melanin and a tan.

Tanning Plateau

After tanning for a while, you may reach a point where you hit a tanning plateau and you don’t seem to get darker. That’s why we offer equipment with different outputs and features. Ask our trained staff which system is the best for you.

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Your skin is constantly exposed to the elements: wind, sun, water, heat, cold – all drying your skin, causing your skin to flake off, and there goes your tan as well. Moisturizing is key to a long-lasting tan. Also, dry skin tends to reflect UV-light, thus decreasing your tanning potential. Remember: Healthy and moist skin tans faster and darker.

Bed safe tanning lotion is available for purchase.

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